Today was rainy all day, and with the fatigue from yesterday’s market, I was slowly tidying up, but I ran out of energy midway and took another nap.
I don’t usually nap, but today I took a 20-minute nap, got up, had coffee, and returned to work.
I finished cleaning up and started preparing for the next market, but my mind wasn’t sharp, so it took quite a bit of time, but I managed to get everything ready.
In the past, I would have given up midway and turned the day into a rest day, but ever since I set a goal I want to achieve, I’ve somehow been able to push through.
I want to live up to the expectations of those who support me, so even if it’s just a small step, I moved forward again today.
I also found an hour to paint today, so emotionally, I feel like I did well.
How do you motivate yourself when you’re feeling low? I’d love to hear any tips you have.
Well, thank you for today!